Tuesday, October 21, 2008

My Sister's Wedding


I just was able to view some of the pics from my sister's wedding . I thought this was a good pic of me and my sisters. We don't get to see each other very often, so it was nice to be able to be there with Tatum on her special day. It was a beautiful day considering Hurricane Ike was making its way up the coast. The day after the wedding - 50 mph winds hit where we had had the wedding, knocked out power for days, and tore down many things in its path. Tatum got lucky!!!

Tatum has moved to KY, so all three of us are in different places now. Tiff lives in Georgia.

I know what ya'll are thinking - they have us placed in line of age with me being the youngest, right??? Just kidding Tiff and Tate. I am the middle of the three girls. Tiffany is the oldest and Tatum is the youngest. I am the shortest by far though. Since I have a birthday around the corner, I have to sneak in any chance to make myself feel younger. I can't believe how old I "am" getting.


Kymom said...

Awww I will let you say your the youngest.. hehehe I am so glad that you were able to come and be a part of my wonderful day. I think that was a nice bonding moment for us (esp considering the first one). lol Yes, our mother likes to peg us right on our bad habits but you are a great mother and wife. I think the word you are looking for is NORMAL, we all get frustrated and yet it seems like we take it out on our most loved ones. I miss you, Randy and the girls very much and can't wait to see you Xmas.

Savannah said...

um CUTE dress :)

(so happy you have a blog now!)

Tara said...

You all look pretty. Glad the wedding was nice. Don't forget to add us to your blog. You need to accept my invitation since it's private.

Becca said...

You can't deny each other for sure! I'm so glad we finally rubbed off on you and you started a blog...way to go!

Brianna (: said...

Hehehe my momma is so pretty :D
I think the wedding was BEAUTIFUL.
I looked kinda crazy :]
Lol, but, it was pretty nice.
And you guys are coming up on Christmas ?!