Monday, October 20, 2008

Treasure your family!!

I just sat here forever reading a blog that I love to read, but also get sooooo sad reading it. Many of you know the Kamber blog. I knew the family briefly while we were in the same Ward. I am truly amazed at Jen's faith and strength. She inspires me to be a better mother and wife.
It makes me really think about my own life. I just got off the phone with my husband in quite an angry tone. He needed my help with something - which his projects are always a lot of work - but should I be so rude about it, NO??? I sat down and read that blog, and feel like I should call him back because I was so rude. You never know when someone is going to leave your life. Yes, he makes me angry, but I love him more everyday. Would he treat me that way?? I will have to say, probably not. My mother always told me that patience was not my finest quality. Boy, did she peg me right!!!! I feel like at night when I say my prayers I am asking Heavenly Father to help me with the same thing I messed up on the day before. I am so grateful he loves me and knows my heart.


Savannah said...

um, FINALLY. we have been waiting for you to join the world of blogging since, um, forever. :) i'm so excited you finally have one so i can really be nosy and see what you guys are up to! haha :) i am going to link to you from my blog and visit yours regularly. be prepared. :)

p.s. - WHEN are you girls having a ladies trip out to new york?? life isn't the same without you cracking me up! :)

p.p.s. - don't worry, i know you're nice. us girls, we just get snippy sometimes. it's okay. we have good excuses for it. :)

DeAnne Baum said...

You are GREAT! I think we all have those days.....maybe to often, but all we can do is try and little harder. Don't be to hard on yourself, you are GREAT!

Thanks for the great talk on Sunday! I guess I needed it! THANKS!!!