Sunday, October 26, 2008


I guess I need to post about our Friday night experience since both of my girls have posted about it on their blogs.

Randy called me as I was on my way home from work on Friday. He said he wanted to go to a High School football game. We have some friends that have boys that play, so I called her to see if it was a home game. It wasn't, but she said we could ride with them - really far - to see the game. It was a blast by the way!! Thanks Steph for letting us go. :) I have to say Steph's family is great. I just wish they would adopt me into it as the "9th sista away from her own sistas". Come on guys - I have blond hair. I could pull it off!!!!

The team did not WIN, but that really did not matter because we had an eventful night anyway.

On our way home from the game at 11:30 at night, we saw a guy driving on the wrong side of the freeway right next to us. He would speed up then slow down. We watched him for a little bit with total anxiety thinking that every car heading his way was going to hit him head-on. Cars were swerving to get away from him. We started dialing 911. This guy was hitting the median, and continuing on in the path of oncoming cars. Nothing seemed to be stopping him. Obviously something was wrong with him because no one goes head-on into traffic at full speed. Finally after what seemed like forever, we saw the police coming and shutting down the freeway. They were stopping all cars heading right to this guy. I luckily think no one was injured. I do not know what happened after the police showed up, but I am grateful that no one was harmed that night.


Sarah S. said...

Hey Tracy long time no see or hear from. I'm mad that you didn't leave a comment before. You little nerd. :) Your family is adorable and I can't believe how big your girls are.

You guys are lucky you didn't get hurt by the crazy driver. That is scary. Oh and yes I want to be another Brown sister as well. I have been friends with Brook and Brittany (the twins) since 2nd grade. They are a hoot when they all get together.

I'm adding you on my friends list, let me know if you would rather I didn't. I know some people are funny about that.

Kelli said...

Hi Tracy! I have to say I had to check out your cute blog after reading a comment you left on the ever talented Sarah's blog! You will be great at this blogging thing!

I'm so glad you all were able to make it home safe and that the cops responded to the calls. What a scary night!

DeAnne Baum said...

Holy Crap! That is sooo scary. Glad you are all ok.

Rachel M said...

I've added you to my friend list-you made the cut. Just kidding! you know I love you guys. Scary drive it sounds like! Glad you all are ok. Can't wait to see more!

Rachel M said...

Oh yah-I love Disturbia! Owen and I are dancing to you blog:)